why is there a pop-up on this site, you ask...

well, the plain and simple is that SBC yahoo misrepresented themselves about 4 months ago. They told me that I would have 60MB of space for a website. Turns out, I get a "briefcase" to keep files online, but not a website. They won't let me use this "breifcase" as a server, so I have to put my site on geocities. Geocities usually puts an ad on every page. However, I'm getting around that by using URL redirection (and cloaking) services from www.cjb.net. Basically they will take away all those geocities ads if I let them put one pop-up on my starting page. So there you go, sorry about the pop-up folks, but at least you don't have to hear about britney spears latest single at the top of every page on the rest of the entire site.